G21 has been supporting the Geelong region for 20 years.
Evologic has been the G21 Managed IT Partner for over 8 years. The Geelong Region Alliance (G21) brings our region’s leaders together to develop aligned regional plans, determine priority projects and advocate for their implementation. They represent the voice of the G21 region and have a formal role as the Regional Strategic Planning Committee, in advising the State and Federal Governments on regional issues and priorities.
To streamline processes and systems and ensure safer data access, we suggested that G21 move to a cloud-based server. After the successful cloud migration, Nada at G21 confirmed that “It was a smooth process and not really a huge impact at our end, thanks to the expertise of the Evo team. I think the sharing of files and that the files are not taking up space on computers is a huge bonus. The helpdesk is always wonderful and quick to try and assist with any issues. I trust Travis’s expertise and do appreciate that he explains everything so well. I also appreciate his honesty and advice for our small organisation and what is best for us. I also do like that I know I can rely on him and trust his word. I appreciate the partnership with Evologic, both with IT and with Evo’s support of all things G21.”
Evologic and G21 have a mutually beneficial partnership. As a local business, we believe G21 plays a crucial role in ensuring the region’s growth and prosperity.
“The partnership was in place when I commenced at G21 and I have been extremely happy and satisfied with the service. Evologic looks after our backup, security, updates as well as installation of any programs and assist with any troubleshooting. Knowing we have the service of Evologic to assist us with all matters IT gives us the comfort and security we need without having to worry about doing this in-house. We do not have the staff or expertise to manage this. The team at Evo are always very helpful and very prompt. I appreciate that there are not long wait times to get items resolved, especially when we all work during such different times. It would make it very difficult to complete work if IT issues were not resolved quickly.”
Nada Malinac
Office Manager
Geelong Region Alliance G21